Imię/Ringname postaci: The Fight Man, Kevin Owens Kevin Steen, Killer, The Fighter
Waga: 123kg
Wzrost: 183cm
Pochodzenie: Marieville, Quebec, Canada
Data urodzenia: Maj 7, 1984 Wygląd:
Nastawienie: heel
Theme song:
Normal moves: Chop, Back body drop, Dropkick, Backbreaker, Hangman's Neckbreaker, Suplex, Scoop powerslam, Midesection stun gun, Back suplex, German suplex, Belly to belly overhead suplex, Pescado, Spinning heel kick, Senton, Big boot, Turnbuckle powerbomb, Drop down neckbraker, Triangle dropkick, Running DDT, Samoan drop, Vertical suplex, Tilt a whirl backbraker, Double foot stomp, Ace crusher, Swanton bomb, Moonsault, Superkick, Go home driver, Fireman's carry gutbuster, Superplex, Hanging DDT, Cannonball Senton, Top Cone Hilo, Super Fisherman Buster,
Signature Moves: [i]Turnbuckle Steenalizer, Steenalizer, Powerbomb, Pumphandle Neckbreaker
OMG moves: Diving Apron Cannonball, Package Piledriver na apron, Powerbomb na krawędź ringu
Submission moves: Figure Four Leg Lock,Cross face, Sharpshooter
Finisher Moves: Pop-Up- Powerbomb, Package Piledriver, Steenalizer, F5