Normal Match
Pyro vs. The Undertaker
Tag Team Match
#WES Tag Team Championship
The Usos vs. The Weterans
Normal Match
AJ Styles vs. Elias Samson
Cage of Doom Match
#Asylum Championship
Rusev vs. Sami Zayn
3-Way Match
#Intercontinental Championship
Seth Rollins vs. Broken Matt Hardy vs. Jimmy Uso
Main Event
"I Quit" Match
#WES World Championship
Bobby Fish vs. PJ Blake
Wszystkie postacie:
x2 No. #1 for TLV Championship (x1 Brock Lesnar & x1 Big Show)
x1 No. #1 Contender for rEvolution Championship (Big Show)
x2 No. #1 Contender for Asylum Championship (x1 Mark Henry & x1 Rusev)
x1 Asylum Championship (14.12.16 - 18.12.16) (Rusev)
x1 No. #1 Contender for Intercontinental Championship (Randy Orton)
x1 Intercontinental Champion (29.01.17r. - 26.02.17) (Randy Orton)
x1 WES Tag Team Champions (29.01.17r. - current) (Randy Orton & Rusev)
1. Pyro
2. The Usos
3. AJ Styles
4. Rusev
5. Jimmy Uso
6. PJ Blake
Ostatnio edytowany przez GamerXOP (2016-12-18 11:05:29)
Wszystkie postacie:
x2 No. #1 for TLV Championship (x1 Brock Lesnar & x1 Big Show)
x1 No. #1 Contender for rEvolution Championship (Big Show)
x2 No. #1 Contender for Asylum Championship (x1 Mark Henry & x1 Rusev)
x1 Asylum Championship (14.12.16 - 18.12.16) (Rusev)
x1 No. #1 Contender for Intercontinental Championship (Randy Orton)
x1 Intercontinental Champion (29.01.17r. - 26.02.17) (Randy Orton)
x1 WES Tag Team Champions (29.01.17r. - current) (Randy Orton & Rusev)
2.The Usos
3.Elias Samson
4.Sami Zayn
5.Seth Rollins
6.Bobby Fish
Uczestnik pierwszej gali w historii WES
Kevin Owens 0/0/0
Sami Zayn 2/1/0
1. Pyro
2. The Usos
3. AJ Styles
4. Sami Zayn
5. Broken Matt Hardy
6. PJ Blake
Ostatnio edytowany przez donacdum (2016-12-15 16:01:52)
Brother Nero, I knew you'd come
1. Pyro
2. Usos
3. AJ Styles
4. Sami Zayne
5. Seth Rollins
6. PJ Blake
The Messiah
3x TLV Champion (Haris James 28.08.15 - 13.09.15, Hiroshi Tanahashi 29.09.16 - 04.10.16, Danny Volter 22.11.16 - 30.11.16)
2x Intercontinental Champion (Eita Kobayashi 10.09.16 - 02.10.16 l Elias Samson 26.02.17 - ???)
1. No-Contest
2. The Usos
3. AJ Styles
4. Sami Zayn
5. Broken Matt Hardy
6. Tutaj zostawię bez głosu
1. No Contest
2. The Usos
3. AJ Styles
4. Sami Zayn
5. Jimmy Uso
6. PJ Blake
Jimmy Uso:
Jey Uso:
No. #1 Contender for WES Tag Team Championships (Jimmy i Jey)
x1 WES Tag Team Champions (30.10.2016r. - current) (The Usos)
x2 WES Intercontinental Championship (Jimmy Uso) [20.11.16 - 30.11.16 - 10 dni][18.01.2017 - current]
Klasyfikacja Generalna:
1. GamerXOP - 67pkt
2. donacdum - 66pkt
3. haris - 54pkt
4. Spazmbie - 44pkt
5. DJOrton - 25pkt
6. Curix - 20pkt
7. Vince123 - 17pkt
Ostatnio edytowany przez GamerXOP (2017-01-14 07:28:08)
Wszystkie postacie:
x2 No. #1 for TLV Championship (x1 Brock Lesnar & x1 Big Show)
x1 No. #1 Contender for rEvolution Championship (Big Show)
x2 No. #1 Contender for Asylum Championship (x1 Mark Henry & x1 Rusev)
x1 Asylum Championship (14.12.16 - 18.12.16) (Rusev)
x1 No. #1 Contender for Intercontinental Championship (Randy Orton)
x1 Intercontinental Champion (29.01.17r. - 26.02.17) (Randy Orton)
x1 WES Tag Team Champions (29.01.17r. - current) (Randy Orton & Rusev)